Like all teams, the Leadership Team needs to invest time and energy to come together as a collective and get onto the plane of high performance and will need to navigate through the Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing journey identified by Bruce Tuckman as far back as 1965.
Increasingly, there is a short time runway for this to happen as the business operating environment becomes increasingly disrupted via innovation and entrepreneurial startups looking to transform traditional markets. There is also a regular turnover of senior executives as leaders move on to new opportunities, and therefore the rapid establishment of a high performing executive team is paramount for the success of any CEO’s tenure. Indeed, it can be argued that once such a culture has been established at the Leadership Team level, that any new team member can easily fit into this environment where rituals of everyday high performance working are evident and easily followed.
Another reason why this is an important area of focus for a chief executive is that it establishes a cultural benchmark for the remainder of the enterprise to emulate: other leaders in the business will witness the behavioral norms exemplified by the Leadership Team and will naturally want to follow, thereby creating a strong movement within the company to upskill in these areas. A rising tide lifts all boats.