Movers+Shakers is a disruptive creative agency on a mission to spread joy. By connecting brands to culture, they drive brand love. They are the #1 fastest-growing agency in the world. Their clients rely on them to push them into tomorrow, creating cultural relevance across mainstream and emerging social platforms. With 200+ billion views on our TikTok campaigns, Glossy has named them “the TikTok whisperers.”
See below how we helped Movers+Shakers accelerate their business and take the next step on their journey.

Movers+Shakers were looking to take their internal team to higher levels of cooperation and create dynamism among the staff to better serve their clients. Specifically, an important cross-functional team within the agency was grappling with a demanding client that was challenging them to raise their game and deliver at higher and higher levels of performance. The internal team needed to find ways to work through the myriad of issues in service of delivering world-class creative for which the agency has become known.
We were tasked with digging into the areas of strength and areas of opportunity and working with the internal team at both the collective and individual levels to find their way to better collaboration and outcomes.

We dug into the design of the bespoke program created for Movers+Shakers by taking them through a series of upfront information-gathering sessions. We complemented this by running our proprietary t3® diagnostic with the team (this included running them through our online t3® diagnostic survey, performing informational interviews, and capturing in-real-life observation with the team). Once the data was all collected we designed deliveries to respond to the gaps we discovered and delivered these via two remote and one in-person intervention to help them work through the challenges in service
Through the interventions, the team had several moments of clarity crystalize that pointed the way to way-of-working that would allow them to produce even higher quality deliverables. These ways of working were implanted and ritualized into key processes that have transformed the way Movers+Shakers works. The ability to come together and jointly solve these issues has also led to a more fulfilled team delivering on behalf of the client.