Perpetual was asked to design a transformative program to pick up with an already successful Hennessy team that sought to celebrate such success but had the ambition to “keep growing and improving” to rise to the challenges ahead. We delivered focused key messages to the team re: their differentiated roles and responsibilities in the context of a high-performing team and facilitated Business Planning and Project Planning discussions to learn more about Hennessy goals, structures, culture etc. The Perpetual program included the High Performing Team Capability Program – our t3® team-to-togetherness® structure, Vision and Mission Alignment – time bound – key wins and objectives, what each person’s role was in achieving this, team dynamics – reviewing assessments, t3® diagnostic results to review organizational health, advance their high-performance culture, the ability to run at the pace of the fastest person, with excellent behaviors and operating standards.

Our typical client partnering relationships are long-term and strategic. One-off workshops can be good fun and high-energy in the moment … but rarely lead to materially different behaviors/attitudes. Conversely, our interventions are always positioned within the context of strategic, structured transformation initiatives. Alongside client company leadership, Perpetual serves to operate as the “critical friend” partner ensuring long-term benefits are delivered across the wider organization: as a function of transformational leadership and wider team behaviors.
The Miami delivery focused on providing a high-level explanation of the t3® program and methodology, understanding current team situation – jointly analyzing “key themes” from preparatory interviews/surveys/talent assessment tools, agreed strategic program goals in context of future organizational challenge/ambition and then moved into a Base Camp delivery – focusing on the first dimension of the t3® model – “The Right Stuff” – the critical importance of the right team member behaviors, team player fundamentals, growth mind-set, grit, selfishness etc. All reinforced with experiential activity.

The New York delivery focused on Values and Purpose and why these are so important. Perpetual facilitated development of team values (and reinforcement of existing set), bringing them to life, developing a behaviors charter and exploration of common team vision and purpose, explored, shared, and rejuvenated delegates personal “whys” (via campfire exercise). In addition, Perpetual designed a ‘dream to task’ concept – the development of clear “single thread’ action plans linking organizational goals to team goals to personal goals, reinforcing t3® team behaviors through experiential activity and designed a ‘focused execution’ concept – exploration of key theory/tools with respect to “operationalizing focus” (developing collaborative capability that ensures all team/personal goals are followed through to successful delivery).

The conclusion of the program focused on the final attribute of high performing teams ‘togetherness’. This is getting to the ‘Holy Grail’ end of the team-to-togetherness® (t3®) journey; the point at which you can claim you have arrived at togetherness or tribal status. This is the zone where intra-relationships are defined by shared levels of high professional respect and, indeed, deep friendships. Team members bearing this attribute scale even greater heights because not only are they passionate about what they do (as built on all the preceding qualities) but it is this comradeship that sits at the very nexus of this passion. For such teams, there is a mindset of “anything together”; that is, “together, anything is possible”. For this delivery, Perpetual designed an outdoors experience in the Catskills delivering a ‘prohibition scenario’ for the team to execute against.